The new IS schools in Raqqa: “No more math or art, just Jihad related subjects”


Forget about art history, music and social science. No reference to democracy, elections or even chemistry,  should ever be made in a classroom. Children should just learn about the Prophet and the art of war. Welcome to the new Islamic State (IS) school in Raqqa, Syria.  Since August 30 new subjects were introduced in the school curriculum. Of course no girls will be allowed in class and most of the subjects should prepare kids to the jihad. “They are basically brainwashing them,” said Zaid al-Fares, a photojournalist from Raqqa who flew to Turkey earlier this summer. He wrote an article on the International Business Times and he describes the situation as beyond than terrible.

Teachers have to attend a week long “legitimacy course,” learn everything about the new subjects. Then they are allowed back in the classrooms. Every schools in Raqqa province received this letter from IS central government.


It basically states the new guidelines for education. And it says:

The following subjects will be removed from the school curriculum permanently: musical art education, national education, social studies history, fine art education, sports, philosophical and social issue, Islamic religious education and Christian education. Compensatory subjects will be added from the directorate of the curriculum in the Islamic State .

No more references to the Syrian Arab Republic, they say everyone should refer to the country as Islamic State. And It continued: “Do not teach the concept of patriotism or nationalism, but of belonging to Islam and its people and the innocence of polytheism and its people, and that the Muslim countries are those that administer the law of God.”

Children are also forced into training camp where they are learning how to behead and how to fire a machine gun.

Benedetta Argentieri

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